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Hunter Valley District Group


Here is lots of information about native plants - where to buy them, which ones are indigenous to the Hunter region and journals of interest. 

See the Activities page for great native gardens in the Hunter. 

Where to buy native plants

APS Newcastle Group

Open Thursday mornings at the Hunter Wetlands Centre. Very wide range of native and indigenous tubestock. 

Riverdene Nursery, 80 Allyn River Rd, East Gresford. OPEN Mon & Tues - 9am to 12pm plus Fridays - 9am-3pm. CLOSED Wed & Thursday's, Public Holidays and Weekends

Newcastle Wildflower Nursery, Open 7 days, 260 Lake Rd, Glendale. Offer 10% off for APS members. 

Trees in Newcastle, Open Friday mornings, 9am - 1pm,  Belmont Wetlands State Park, 119 Kalaroo Road, Redhead NSW 2290

The Hunter Region Botanic Gardens, Stocks a range of native plants.

Hunter Indigenous Plants

36 Weakley's Dr., Beresfield. (by appointment).


Local Bunnings stores hold a wide range of native plants generally in larger pots. 

How to design a native garden

The Australian Garden Design Study Group operates as one of the many Study Groups under the umbrella of the Australian Native Plants Society (Australia). It provides a raft of information to help you design and build your native garden. 

Click for a link to this story on the garden design process. 

Are you keen to create a garden that attracts native wildlife and helps rebuild the environment? 

A bushland or habitat garden mimics nature. Such gardens are designed to create as much habitat as possible for local wildlife. This means they have to be multilayered, diverse and complex and create food and shelter year round.

Click here for a story on how to create a bushland or habitat garden. 

What grows well
in the Hunter Region
and indigenous plants

Below are plants which grow well in the Hunter Valley. The ones marked * are indigenous i.e. they only grow in the Hunter Region. 

Also checkout our very large searchable database of plants, grouped by sizes here:

Acacia elongata, Swamp Wattle

Acacia falcata - Sickle Leaf Wattle

Banksia spinulosa var. spinulosa - Hairpin Banksia

Acacia pendula - Weeping Myall

Banksia oblongifolia - Rusty Banksia

Brachyscome multifida - Cut-leaved Daisy

Chrysocephalum apiculatum - Yellow Buttons

Dendrobium speciosum - Rock Orchid

Elaeocarpus reticulatus - Blueberry Ash

* Eucalyptus fracta - Broken Back Ironbark

* Eucalyptus pumila - Pokolbin Mallee

Goodenia hederacea - Ivy Goodenia

Grevillea guthrieana - Guthrie’s Grevillea

Grevillea johnsonii - Johnson's Grevillea

* Grevillea montana - Hunter Valley Grevillea

* Grevillea parviflora subsp. parviflora - Small-flower Grevillea

* Grevillea virgata, Nerong Grevillea

Hardenbergia violacea - Purple Coral Pea, False Sarsaparilla

Hibbertia dentata -Trailing guinea flower

Hibiscus heterophyllus - Native Rosella

Hymenosporum flavum - Native Frangipani

Indigofera australis - Australian Indigo

Kennedia rubicunda - Running Postman

Melaleuca thymifolia - Thyme honey-myrtle

Melia azedarach - White Cedar

Pandorea pandorana - Wonga Wonga Vine

* Persoonia pauciflora - North Rothbury Persoonia

Pittosporum multiflorum - Orange Thorn

* Prostanthera cineolifera - Singleton Mint-bush

Pterostylis curta - Blunt Greenhood

Pterostylis nutans - Nodding Greenhood

Senna artemisioides subsp. filifolia - Desert Cassia

Here is another excellent selection of plants which grow well in the Newcastle and Lower Hunter regions, compiled by APS Newcastle Group. 

Plant Guide Newcastle (v2).pdf. Here is a sample. 

Plant profiles of many of the plants listed above have been developed by Mark Abell. Ones marked with * only grow in the Hunter (I.e. are indigenous). Click here to see the profiles. 

Journals and newsletters

Journals, books & newsletters of Interest

Vegetation guide to the Hunter Valley

Excellent resource which draws on Professor David Keith's work into the ecosystems and plants in NSW including the Hunter Valley

Flora of the Hunter Region, Stephen Bell, PDF

Book: Flora of the Hunter Region, Stephen Bell, Christine Rockley & Anne LLewellyn, CSIRO Clayton Vic, 2019

Book: Native Terrestrial Orchids of the Hunter Region Botanic Gardens Linda E McPherson, 2019. Self-published.

Cunninghamia - Journal of plant ecology, especially Eastern AustraliaTelopea - Open access journal of plant Systemics.

Australia Flora Foundation - Newsletter

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